Principal’s Message

I am excited and honored to welcome each and every one of you to the beginning of a new school year at JIS.  This school year will be a year of setting and reaching attainable goals, working harder and smarter and taking our school and student achievement to the next level of “GREATNESS”.  At JIS we are dedicated to a student-centered program that promotes academic excellence through an enriched, rigorous inter-disciplinary curriculum.  As a staff, we are here to support all of you, by any means necessary, to ensure you reach your fullest academic potential.  We look forward to working with you, our parents and the members of the community to provide a high-quality education that you all deserve.

A school is always a ‘world in miniature’ where one receives a ‘training for life’, where effective,
meaningful and joyful learning takes place. It is here that we begin to learn our lessons of life- to accept challenges, face competition defeat and failure, and rejoice at victory and triumph. We are committed to traditional Indian values and culture for children to keep a connect with their
identity, but we also recognize the need for a global perspective in life.

In the 21st century, the Digital Revolution affects us all. Quite simply, it is changing everything: a brilliant barrage of information, entertainment, companionship and education is speedily available. In such a surrounding when work and effort is valued, the child’s self-esteem is heightened, and from this results self-motivation. We try to understand and work with each child, and we firmly believe that it is our responsibility to enable the child in our care to develop as a whole.

Mrs. Arti Tripathi,